Listed Managed Investment Reports
LIC Monthly Sector Review - 12-Month LIC Returns Remain Positive Despite Falls in March quarter
Monday, May 14, 2018This review is based upon data collected by the IIR Research Team of the whole sector including those listed managed entities that do not participate in our research scheme.
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Gryphon Capital Income Trust (expected ASX code: GCI) - Specialises in Managing Fixed Income Strategies For Institutional Clients
Monday, May 14, 2018The objective of the Manager is to provide a monthly income stream with a focus on capital preservation.
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Listed Investment Quarterly Review - Our Research Review of the LICs that participate in IIR's LIC Research Scheme based on data collected by our Research Team
Monday, April 2, 2018Our Research Coverage of LICs continues to grow and we now have the widest coverage of LICs as compared to any other research house. We
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eInvest Income Generator Fund - (Expected ASX code: EIGA) - Mirrors the Strategy Perennial Value Shares for Income trust (PVSFI)
Wednesday, March 21, 2018IIR holds the Manager in high regard, with a strong and stable team and investment committee, proven processes and solid performance track-record. Structurally, the Fund will benefit from its listed status and high degree of portfolio transparency. The offer structure creates a strong alignment with investors’ interests, with the Manager bearing all establishment and listing fees.
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MCP Master Income Trust (ASX: MXT) - Debt-Specialist Fund Manager - Exposure To a Portfolio of Loans to Australian Companies
Monday, March 19, 2018IIR ascribes the MCP Master Income Trust a “RECOMMENDED PLUS” rating. MXT represents something of a unique investment proposition for Australian retail clients,
providing exposure to a diversified portfolio of direct-lending corporate loans and by way of a liquid LIT structure.
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