Listed Managed Investment Reports
Aberdeen Leaders Ltd - Concentrated Portfolio of ASX listed Stocks - www.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013ALR endeavours to provide investors with high capital and dividend growth over the medium to long term through a concentrated portfolio of ASX-listed stocks.
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Amcil Ltd (AMH) - Invests in Large/ Small Cap Stocks - High Conviction -
Wednesday, May 29, 2013AMH’s portfolio will likely comprise 30 to 40 ASX-listed stocks. The manager also maintains a small trading portfolio to take advantage of short-term investment opportunities. The portfolio is concentrated with the top 20 holdings accounting for 81% of the portfolio. The Financial
and Industrial sectors have the greatest allocation in absolute terms.
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Australian United Investment Company Limited (AUI) - Buy & Hold Investment Style -
Wednesday, May 29, 2013AUI invests only in stocks listed on the ASX, with a heavy focus on large cap stocks, with
over 80% of the portfolio (ex cash) allocated to stocks within the S&P/ASX 50. There are no
restrictions regarding the minimum or maximum investment in any individual stock or sector and as such the company may take high conviction positions in securities.
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Clime Capital Limited (CAM) - Concentrated Portfolio of ASX Stocks, Management Focus - www.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013CAM holds a concentrated portfolio of around 30 securities. CAM allocates the portfolio
between cash and ASX-listed securities. In the event CAM cannot identify value they will
hold cash. As at 31 December 2012, the cash component of the portfolio was 16.7%. The
portfolio is actively managed and thus will experience portfolio rotation.
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Djerriwarrah Investments Limited (DJW) - Invests in ASX 50 Stocks -
Wednesday, May 29, 2013DJW invests in a concentrated portfolio of stocks, predominantly from within the S&P/ASX 50 index. As mentioned, the company utilises options to generate increased income for the portfolio. Given the company writes call options, the portfolio may experience high levels of
turnover if the options are exercised.
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