Listed Managed Investment Reports

BKI Investment Company Ltd (BKI) - Focus on High Yield Investments -
Thursday, January 3, 2013
BKI has a buy-and-hold, style neutral investment style. The company has no sector or stock investment limitations and the company focuses on the investment merits of individual stocks rather than market or economic trends. The portfolio (pre-tax NTA plus dividends) underperformed the benchmark index over the December quarter by 0.5%, contributing to the 4.5% underperformance of the benchmark index over the 12 months to 31 December 2012.
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Clime Capital Limited (CAM) - Active Management Across Large to Micro Cap Stocks -
Thursday, January 3, 2013
CAM holds a concentrated portfolio of 30 securities. CAM allocates the portfolio between cash and ASX-listed securities. In the event CAM cannot identify value they will hold cash. As at 31 December 2012, the cash component of the portfolio was 16.7%.
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Contango MicroCap Ltd (CTN) - Exposure to Small/ Micro Cap Stocks - Highly Recommended -
Thursday, January 3, 2013
CTN holds a diversified portfolio of small/micro cap stocks with the manager aiming to have between 60 to 100 stocks in the portfolio. Given the risk associated with the investment universe, the manager does not tend to take large positions in companies and reduces risk through portfolio diversification.
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Djerriwarrah Investments Limited (DJW) - Company Offers a Greater Yield Than The Benchmark Index -
Thursday, January 3, 2013
DJW invests in a portfolio of ASX-listed stocks, primarily from the S&P/ASX 50 index, given that this sector of the market offers an active options market. To increase its income, DJW writes covered call options over the stocks held in the portfolio. This generates income from the premiums paid by third parties to acquire the options
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Djerriwarrah Investments Limited (DJW) - Company Offers a Greater Yield Than The Benchmark Index -
Thursday, January 3, 2013
DJW invests in a portfolio of ASX-listed stocks, primarily from the S&P/ASX 50 index, given that this sector of the market offers an active options market. To increase its income, DJW writes covered call options over the stocks held in the portfolio. This generates income from the premiums paid by third parties to acquire the options
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