Listed Managed Investment Reports
Evans & Partners Global Disruption Fund - Focus on Long Term Capital Growth from Disruptive Innovation
Tuesday, July 4, 2017The portfolio will be constructed and managed by the Investment
Manager, who will draw upon
the knowledge, experience and insights of an Investment Committee with a very high
degree of industry experience rather than by individuals occupying a traditional portfolio
manager role.
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LIC Monthly Report - June 2017
Tuesday, July 4, 2017Our research coverage of all the Listed Managed Investments in the Sector.
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Australian Foundation Investment Company (AFI) - Rating Upgrade - Largest LIC on the ASX
Sunday, July 2, 2017IIR has always held AFI in high regard, with a strong team and investment committee, transparency, exceptionally low costs and the benefits of a lengthy track-record. Investors can gain confidence from a long trackrecord in which the Manager has achieved its investment objectives over the long-term
10-year+ period
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Switzer Dividend Growth Fund (ASX: SWTZ) - ASX 100 - Income Streams & Capital Growth
Tuesday, June 13, 2017SWTZ seeks to provide investors exposure to a portfolio
of actively managed large cap stocks with a focus on providing an attractive income stream
with the benefits of high levels of franking. Given this objective, we would expect the trust
to provide an above market dividend yield over the long-term.
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LIC Monthly Report - May 2017
Tuesday, June 6, 2017Our Comprehensive Research coverage and commentary for the sector for the period ended May 2017.
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