Company Profiles Reports
Thundelarra Limited (ASX: THX) - Leveraged to Exploration Success - Gold & Base/ Precious Metals - WA
Sunday, October 16, 2016With a market capitalisation of $19.5 million, Thundelarra is well leveraged to exploration success – notable examples over the past few
years include Sandfire’s DeGrussa VHMS discovery, which took the price from $0.05 to $4.08 on the initial run, with subsequent movements to over $8.00/share.
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Caravel Minerals Limited (ASX: CVV) - High Quality Copper Asset - Close to Infrastructure - WA
Sunday, September 4, 2016Caravel’s activities are focussed on the Calingiri Copper-Molybdenum Project, located 150km by road northeast of Perth in the wheat belt of Western Australia. With a resource of 251Mt grading at 0.38% copper equivalent and containing 844kt of copper.
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Metalicity Limited (ASX: MCT) - Junior Explorer - Lithium & Tier 1 Zinc/Lead - WA
Monday, August 29, 2016$1 million exploration programme under way over the lithium properties and exploration, including drilling, expected at Rocky Gully. We expect the next
significant news from Admiral Bay will involve the signing up of a partner to progress the Pre-
Feasibility Study.
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Venturex Resources Limited (ASX: VXR) - Base Metals Portfolio Continues to be De-Risked - Pilbara WA
Monday, July 18, 2016Venturex owns 100% of two major copper zinc assets in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia. Each property has highly prospective projects on approved mining leases with
no native title issues, together with extensive surrounding land holdings. Sulphur Springs
has been completed to De nitive Feasibility Stage
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Kalina Power Limited (ASX: KPO) - Owns Technology - For Binary Power Generation - Geothermal or Waste Heat that Generates Power
Tuesday, May 31, 2016The company is seeking to roll out the technology to industrial operations to improve the energy efficiency at their operations. The technology can be used across a range of industries and is most effective for low temperature heat sources of less than 500°F. The technology is commercially viable with the technology currently being used or deployed in 15 plants across the world.
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