Company Profiles Reports
Gold Mountain Limited (ASX:GMN) - Gold/ Copper - Papua New Guinea
Tuesday, January 31, 2017The Wabag Project (“Wabag” or “the Project”) is located within the Highlands region of PNG, one of the most highly endowed gold provinces globally which hosts major operations including the ~16 Moz Ok Tedi Mine, the ~28 Moz Porgera Mine, the ~20 Moz Frieda River Project and the ~20 Moz Wa /Golpu Project - results of work to date have highlighted the prospectivity of Wabag.
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5 Interesting Microcap/ Nanocap Stocks for 2017
Tuesday, January 17, 2017We identify stocks based upon factors that include attractive valuation, competent management team, outcomes of strategic reviews other assorted near term catalysts. Given the above I have picked 5 stocks with market capitalisations all under AUD$100m that look interesting currently.
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Small/ Mid Cap Resources Bluebook - Over 50 ASX/ TSX Company Profiles. Commodity Outlook by our Research Team
Sunday, December 11, 2016This is our inaugural Resources Bluebook which contains company profiles with IIR Independent view on companies. Also contains IIR Commodity Outlook.
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Australian Vanadium Limited (ASX: AVL) - High Grade Vanadium Project WA - First Battery Installed in WA - Strong Growth Demand
Tuesday, November 15, 2016Our valuation range of $0.042-$0.086/share is based on shares diluted for conversion of the $0.01471 options, which have an expiry date of December 31, 2017 - this does not include any value for the significant downstream sales potential we see.
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WPG Resources Ltd (ASX: WPG) - Ramping Up Production - Valuation A$0.114 per share - Gold - Australia
Monday, October 17, 2016WPG Resources (“WPG” or “the Company”) has recently re-commenced production at its
100% owned Challenger Gold Mine (“Challenger”) in the Gawler Craton of South Australia
– the planned operation includes sourcing ore from both Challenger and the Tarcoola Gold Project
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